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Image by Jan Kahánek

Join Our Team

Join Our Team of Passionate Educators

Are you an experienced, highly qualified, certified educator interested in joining the GSW team? GSW will take the work out of building your own tutoring practice. 

Take back your time, join our team of passionate educators and find the balance you deserve.


Do What You Love on Your Own Terms

Rachel has spent her education career networking and building relationships in the DMV. Want to teach a creative writing class? Desire to tutor Pre-Calculus or Algebra? Have a passion for STEM education or test prep? Love teaching reading, or biology, or third grade math? You design the curricula and create a schedule that works for you! We offer opportunities and referrals for private tutoring, small class instruction, and enrichment classes. We will provide you the students so you can do what you love on your own terms.


Rachel has been in your shoes. Rachel started GSW teaching full time, tutoring several hours in the evenings and on the weekends, grading papers for endless hours, while simultaneously growing a baby. She soon realized that she could work smarter and still do what she loves. Rachel believes ” teaching is a calling”,  but it is possible to create your own miniature classroom and do what you love without the intense workload and mental load of teaching full-time.


Teaching is exhausting, thrilling, draining, and all-consuming. If you are interested in fulfilling your passion, contributing financially to your family, maintaining a work life “balance” and feeling empowered with the flexibility to make your own schedule, we would love to chat.

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Interested in teaching with us? Let's chat!


+1 (203) 644-0347


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Teacher Helping Student
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