Abhi Gangrade
K-12 Math/Science and Test Prep Tutor
Abhi obtained his BS in Biology degree from the University of Florida before receiving a PhD in
Cancer Biology. As a member of National Honor Society in high school, he tutored students in
math, chemistry, biology, and physics. During his graduate studies, he mentored a student for
science fair projects, one of which qualified him to enter into the Intel International Science and
Engineering Fair (ISEF). He has much experience tutoring K-12 students in science and math in
both private and group-based settings. Abhi also makes the extra effort to find additional
resources to supplement students’ material in order to provide more practice and increase
Abhi believes in a holistic approach to teaching with emphasis on the “why” over the “what”.
He strongly believes that mathematical and scientific concepts rooted in underlying logic and
mechanisms will always prove more durable than rote memorization, while potentially
fostering a greater appreciation for the disciplines. The very “aha” moments of students fulfill
his own ambitions to raise the level of education quality in the STEM fields. He is constantly
motivated to instill confidence in students, believing self-reliance propels long-term success.
Abhi has published various op-eds and peer-reviewed research. In addition, he loves practicing
his Spanish and ukulele, tinkering with electronics, hiking, biking, working out, and trying new