Ashley Herdman
English/Executive Functioning Coach
Ashley is entering her tenth year teaching! After receiving her Bachelor’s Degree in English and Master’s Degree in Secondary Education, she taught a variety of English classes at Montgomery College. Having graduated from MCPS, she was eager to teach in the county where she was raised.
Ashley has a pretty unique experience having taught everything related to English from 6th grade (at Eastern Middle School), drama, creative writing, and currently teaches 9th and 12th grade at Walter Johnson High School. She’s been able to teach the whole spectrum of building fundamental skills to finessing those skills to create effective arguments and strong critical analyses. She strives to instill a love of reading, writing, and critical thinking in her students. Ashley is determined to show each student she works with that they can be successful writers.
When not in the classroom Ashley can be found going to concerts, playing with her dog Max, with a book nearby, traveling, and desperately wishing for snow in winter so she can go skiing.